Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Two Years of Silence

I never make New Years resolutions because I hate facing the inevitable failure they usually bring into my life. However, looking back over this year and my obvious lack of a plan, I decided I needed some resolutions. One of those is to blog at least once a week. Seems simple enough, 52 or more posts this coming year. No big deal, I LOVE to write. So, why haven't I been writing? Life, children, homeschooling, new home (foreclosure remodel), essentially chaos, and I have to say this past year has been one of the hardest for me emotionally. I don't think that is because of the obstacles in my path but in my lack of a proper outlet.

Why I NEED to blog....Looking back over the last two years (since the last personal blog post), I can't see progress. I feel like I'm still there at the end of that post struggling with the same things. I know God has not been silent for two years, but it does seem that way to me looking back. I know God has moved and worked in my life, but I can't see it or remember the details. So, although I do hope someone reads my rambling digital journal entries and finds encouragement and hope in the words I type out, I blog for me. I want to blog so that I can look back and remember how God has lead me, so I can see His hand and my need to hold tightly to it.

To the handful of people who enjoy these posts, thank you. I hope you're able to glean something from them. Stay tuned. I do plan to be more diligent in blogging my every thought.

"May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ."
2 Thessalonians  3:5

This is my prayer for those who read this blog, and for myself. I also hope that at the end of this year I can look back and see that direction. I hope to finally learn to trust Him and believe He does love me, He is good, and He really will work all things out for my good.

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